Kill Infinity Studios is an Astoria-based home studio catering to local artists of all disciplines in NYC. The studio is run by local musician and composer Dalton Deschain, of Dalton Deschain and the Traveling Show. Dalton's goal is to provide affordable yet professional-sounding audio services to upcoming musicians, filmmakers, actors, and podcasters. Services offered by Kill Infinity include:
- Recording Engineering
- Mixing
- Mastering
- Production and Arranging
- Scoring for Film and TV
- Recording Spoken Word (for Podcasts, Voice-over, Comedians, etc.)
- Arranging Audition Music for Musical Theatre Actors
- Lessons in Guitar, Recording, Songwriting, & Composition
Tap the links above for more info regarding these services, as well as samples of Dalton's work. Rates vary based on the project, so if you're interested, e-mail at!
About Dalton
Dalton Deschain is a songwriter, composer, audio engineer, and multi-instrumentalist based in Queens, NY. Originally hailing from Lansing, MI, he got his start playing in various bands throughout grade school, eventually moving on to composing pieces for his high school's concert band. He studied piano, guitar, bass, voice, and alto saxophone. He went on to get a Bachelor's of Music in Composition from Michigan State University, studying under Professor Mark Sullivan. While pursuing his degree, he also studied audio engineering with Jason Price (of Alarm Will Sound), classical saxophone with Professor Joe Lulloff, and musical theatre with Professor Rob Roznowski. After graduation, he went on to found the sci-fi art-punk band Dalton Deschain & The Traveling Show, for which he serves as performer, songwriter, and producer.